My Favorite Mitski Songs

Me and My Husband

Me and My Husband is one of my favorite Mitski songs. Forboding lyrics are hidden in an upbeat and seemingly happy song. In my own interuptation, the song is about someone who is in an unhappy relationship or is in general not okay. Despite being unhappy, the person continues on with the way things on insisting it is okay. This is one I like singing along too!

Your Best American Girl

Your Best American Girl is a powerful song about feeling out of place in a relationship with someone from a different culture. The lyrics resonate with a lot of people, especially for POC trying to live up to the white American ideal. The final lyrics of "Your mother wouldn't approve of how my mother raised me // but I do, I think I do," are very impactful. The whole song is a ride to listen to.

Stay Soft

Stay Soft is one of my favorite songs from Mitski's album Laurel Hell. The lyrics, while filled with innuendos, is catchy and I love listening to it. The song is about an unhealthy relationship that resuslts in a emotional pain all played to an upbeat track. Love it!

Remember My Name

Remember My Name tackles something a lot of people want: validation and recognition. The song goes over someone who is a people pleaser, whose actions are soley for the purpose of pleasing other people. They call for the hopes that after they are 'used' that someone will remember their name, as the title says. The ending lyrics of "Just how many stars will I need to hang around me // To finally get somewhere I can be all done // Somewhere like Heaven" are some of my favorite. A song that is on repeat!

Real Men

Real Men is a song I interpret to be about someone struggling with the patriarchal expectations between men and women, as the song constantly illustrates a point between "real men" and "boys." The music is catchy and I find the lyrics playing in my head. The way the song ends almost disgruntled and jumbled up reflect the theme of the song very well. A solid listen for sure!