Lizbeth Valadez Portfolio


This is a Portfolio of all my projects I worked on in IS40A! Feel free to have a look through my projects.

Web Design

In IS40A, I worked on learning the basics of HTML and CSS. I had hands on projects building websites from simple pages to more complext designs.

Check Out My First Website - Unit A

My Projects

Unit A - Create an HTML document

Unit A

In this assignment, I learned how to create an HTML document and how to customize it.

Unit B - Getting Started with HTML

Unit B

I learned different tags to use in HTML to customize a website.

Unit C1 - Getting started with CSS

Unit C1

In this assigment, I began to customize my website using CSS.

Unit C2

Unit C2

I learned to connect the previous style sheet I created to another website.

Unit C - Independent Challenge

Unit C IC1

Customize a website one our owm without using any instruction.

Unit D - Laying out elements with CSS

Unit D

I used CSS to customize and edit differnet elements of a web page.

Unit D2

Unit D2

I laid out and edited the elements of this page with CSS to fit a long page.

Unit DCB - Review

Unit DCB

Using new semantic elements, I created a customized webpage.

Unit DCB - Review 2

Unit DCB2

This was another website I created using a CSS style sheet to layout and customize the page.

Unit E - Formating text with CSS

Unit E

Like how I edited the layout of a page with CSS, I used CSS to also customize the text of a webpage.

Unit F - Inserting and working with links

Unit F

In this assignment, I worked with inserting links into the navigation bar to link to other webpages.

Unit G - Inserting and working with images

Unit G

I worked with images, learning how to insert them on my website as background and elements in the body.

Unit H - Organizing content with lists and tables

Unit H

Inserting a table onto a web page and filling the content with fake reservation prices to learn how to code tables.

Unit I - Implementing responsive design

Unit I

Coding a website that could be resized to work on phones and tablets as well as computers.

Unit I - Independent Challenge

Unit IC

Challenged with making this website responsive without following any instruction.

Unit J - Creating and processing web forms

Unit J

In this assignment, I learned how to make a webpage form that would submit and show what was submitted.

ACME Project

ACME Project

In this project, I had used all the knowledge I gained from creating webpages with HTML and CSS to combine it all together into a complex website.

This Website!

Lizbeth Valadez Portfolio Website

I combined all my knowledge to create this interactive portfolio website to host all my projects.